      Veneers of composite materials or bonding or smile-lifting is a method with which it has had a smile, with the 'adjustment of the shape of the teeth of the upper or lower jaw. It is a procedure that is usually implemented in a single appointment, without anesthesia. It is done with the machining of the tooth surface and the 'application of composite materials to color right. So it is repaired and reformed the shape of the tooth. Usually, there is no need to use the drill to the teeth, except in cases of crooked teeth too.      
      Modern materials allow us to achieve the lifting of the smile with composites quickly, indolent, with excellent results. The bonding is appropriate when c 'is a diastema, that a space between adjacent teeth, when there is a congenital absence of the upper lateral incisors, when there are crowded and crooked teeth, in cases of dental fractures, in cases of old fillings Impaired the front teeth, in short, in all cases where there is the need to reform the teeth. The dental veneers are recommended for aesthetic problems of the teeth:
  • Front tooth decay.
  • Dental fractures.
  • Tooth discoloration.
  • Spaces between adjacent teeth.
  • Crooked teeth.
  • Reformation of teeth very large or very small.
  • Tooth root discovery.
  • Therapy of erosions due to bad eating habits or age and bruxism.

Tooth whitening
Il colore naturale dei denti differisce tra le persone. Le cause variano:
  • Fattori genetici.
  • Il fumo.
  • Dieta.
  • Assunzione di farmaci.
  • Traumi dentali.
  • Vecchie otturazioni.
  • Terapia canalare.
  • Età.
     Le discromie dentarie si classificano in due gruppi: formi primitive (i denti presentano una colorazione anomala sin dal loro eruzione) e forme acquisite (i denti cambiano colore). Le discromie primitive sono dovute ad anomalie di sviluppo dell' abbozzo denario, provocate dall' assunzione di alcuni antibiotici (colorazione brunastra con le tetracicline), da ittero (colorazione verde), da un' intossicazione cronica da fluoro (colorazione bianca o brunastra) ecc. Le discromie secondarie si osservano su denti devitalizzati o otturati, ma esistono anche colorazioni imputabili al catrame contenuto nelle sigarette ed a sontanze che si trovano negli alimenti. una Il trattamento comprende una lucidatura in caso di colorazione superficiale e tecniche sbiancanti. Per ogni caso, occorre una valutazione professionale.

Ceramic veneers
     Today, patients want, apart from the restoration of the proper function of the teeth, the aesthetic improvement of their smile, as well. The porcelain veneers are thin layers of ceramic that are used to create a natural appearance of the teeth, along with durability and elasticity similar to natural teeth. They are our first choice for correcting small imperfections related of the shape, size and color of the tooth.    Porcelain veneers consist of thin ceramic layers that replace the original tooth enamel over a bonding layer. To place a porcelain veneer, it is necessary to remove a thin layer of enamel, usually less than one millimeter. This is necessary in order to create sufficient space for the ceramic veneer. The bond between the tooth and the ceramic veneer is of major importance because it provides the aesthetic finishing required but also a strong bond for the proper functioning of the ceramic veneer. This bond is achieved by the use of a photopolymerized resin, placed between the tooth and the ceramic veneer and polymerized with the light of a special lamp.

  Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for the following situations:
• to correct the color of the teeth. In some people, tooth coloring is persistent remain and does not respond well to whitening- the ceramic veneers offer permanently white teeth.
• to improve the appearance of teeth with a disadvantageous shape or position.
• to replace the broken part of a tooth.
• to close the gaps between the teeth.

Porcelain veneers can not be used in the following situations:
• on teeth with crowns.
• teeth with a large dental defect.
• when the change in the position or the inclination of the tooth requires a substantial removal of its dental substance.

   Advantages of porcelain veneers:
• The porcelain veneers are personalized for each tooth and for each patient. So, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural teeth.
• Their color is not affected by smoking, food and coffee.
•  In contrast to full coverage crowns, less dental removal is required.
• When the teeth resist whitening techniques, they are an excellent choice for permanently white teeth. 
• Closure of small interdental gaps and correction of crooked teeth.      

    The porcelain veneers are made in the dental laboratory: it takes about a week. After the bonding of the porcelain veneers, the teeth may show little sensitivity to cold and hot beverages, which subsides after a few days. In a healthy mouth the porcelain veneers can be used as our natural teeth. Although they are made of a very strong material, they are fragile as well as our natural teeth. For this, you must avoid biting your fingernails, pencils, chewing ice or opening beer bottles with your teeth!

    Maintenance of porcelain veneers
   The maintenance of porcelain veneers is simple: Treat them like your natural teeth, brush them in the usual way and using dental floss. Avoid the use of abrasive dentifrice. One week after their placement, it is necessary to visit us for reviewing and evaluating the functionality of the porcelain veneers in your mouth.

All-ceramic crowns and bridges
All-ceramic crowns are an alternative choice for porcelain crowns fused on a metallic base. Evolution in dental materials has enabled us to use ceramic without metal, which can withstand the strong chewing forces and at the same time provide great aesthetic.

1) Highly strong.
2) High aesthetics: they have similar appearance as our natural teeth.
3) We avoid the grey line at the gum margin, which is due to the metallic base of the bridge.
4) The crown is not placed below the gum line, which ensures the health of  the gum tissues.
5) They are suitable for people with allergies to metals.

Inlays - Onlays
     When there is extensive loss of the tooth substance, which makes the restoration of the tooth with a simple filling impossible, then an inlay is preferred. It is a restoration made of ceramic or composite material (manufactured by the dental technician in his laboratory) glued into the tooth. With this method we can maintain the remaining tooth without sacrificing the healthy hard tissue.